Introducing our latest product release, which is a product extraction from an overall system design: our naturally convectively cooled high performance waveguide termination. Manufactured with precision and state-of-the-art materials, it offers reliability and durability, can withstand demanding environmental conditions and handles power levels up to 750 Watts. It offers seamless signal control and optimal performance in high frequency applications.

The design is engineered to handle the 750W without further forced cooling. We also offer fan or water cooled solutions for much higher power levels upon request. Available in special versions tailored for Ku bands (10.0 – 15.0 GHz) using the standard WR75 waveguide flange, while the versions for the DBS band (17.3 – 18.4 GHz) offer the WR62 standard. The design is suitable for both indoor and outdoor solutions and is air and water tight.
MIRAD microwave
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