The first generation of the feed system has been designed and delivered to our customer in 2015. This initial design combines the three S-, X- & K-band frequency ranges in one single system and has been installed first into a remote sensing antenna in a German satcom teleport. This design provides signal transmission and reception for TT&C purposes in S-band (2.025 to 2.120 GHz & 2.200 to 2.300 GHz), while high data rate signals can be received in X- and K-band (7.600 to 8.500 GHz & 25.50 to 27.00 GHz).

In response to customers demand for the need of additional signal transmission in X-band, MIRAD decided to design a second version of the multiband feed in 2020. Based on the first version, the further development combines the mentioned frequency bands with the possibility of signal transmission in the range between 7.145 to 7.250 GHz. A further improvement on the second feed generation is the implementation of TE21 monopulse tracking capability to the S-band frequency range to improve the tracking capability especially for LEO satellites or newly launched spacecraft. The successfully tested and delivered tri-band feed system has been integrated into a 11.5m full motion atnenna at DLRs site in Neustrelitz and is in operation since July 2022.
SSXXK-Feed during measurements in MIRADs anechoic chamber (left), final feed assembly (center) and installed system in a 11.5m full motion antenna at DLR in Neustrelitz* (right)
Key technical challenges:
- Lowest possible losses
- Compact feed horn design due to applied concentric concept
- Highly integrated design
- Trib-band operation, combination of three frequency bands
- Tracking capability in all bands
Key functionalities:
- S-band TX & RX capability (2.025 – 2.120 GHz & 2.200 – 2.300 GHz)
- X-band TX & RX capability (7.145 – 7.250 GHz & 7.600 – 8.500 GHz)
- K-band RX capability (25.50 – 27.00 GHz)
- Dual circular polarization in all bands
- Low insertion losses
- Triple tracking operation in S-/X- & K-band
S- & K-band TE21-mode, X-band TEM-mode - Powerhandling 200W both ports simulataneously